Complete A-Z listing
After the Ball: Kubrick and Georges Méliès – Links to the works of the French filmmaker
Adam Ruins the Moon Landing – Adam Conover ruins his credibility when discussing the Apollo deception
Inexplicable 30% reduction in the shadows of the Apollo 11 EVA – Apollo 11 and the Slippery Slope
Apollo for Dummys, Part One – Mannequins and Miniatures used in the Apollo Imagery
Apollo 11: Small Astronauts: Apollo for Dummys, Part Two – What Armstrong meant by 'one small step'
Apollo for Dummys, Part Three: Short Apollo Astronauts in Moon Photos – Armstrong was played by a short person only 155 cm (5 foot) tall
Apollo 11: Was a Second Light Source Used? – Ray Tracing the famous Apollo 11 photograph of Buzz Aldrin
Apollo 12 and the Surveyor 3 Mystery – Investigating the dust on the Apollo 12 LM and Surveyor 3 probe
Apollo 14: Second Light Source Confirmed – by Ray Tracing an Apollo 14 photograph
Apollo 17 Liftoff: An Ascent from the Lunar Surface? – The anomalous LM ascent from the Moon
Apollo 17 Liftoff 2: Miniature used for Apollo 17 lunar liftoff – Lunar Ascent of Apollo 17 LM in the TV Broadcast used a scaled-down replica
Apollo Film Subjected to a Vacuum: Report of the 2019 & 2024 film vacuum tests
Apollo Mountains just Meters away from the Camera – A stereoscopic method of verifying Apollo lunar surface images
Apollo Myth, the: A Hindrance to Human Space Exploration – The Apollo story is increasingly revealing itself to be pure fabrication
Apollo Program (the) through a Prism of Critical Thinking – A continuation of findings over the last twelve years taking these findings to another level
Apollo-Soyuz: The Joint Hoax? – 14 chapters asking if the Apollo part of the joint project was a deception? An investigation by Alexander Popov PhD
Apollo Space Suits: Shenanigans and Shortcomings – Space suits were simply costumes designed for simulation and photography
Apollo Questions Censored – Questions put to Apollo astronauts censored at Autographica 2014
April Odyssey and the November Boat, the – The 1970 Apollo event from the Russian Perspective
Attempt at Deception by Word Manipulation – Attempts to justify the loss of the Apollo technology, analysing the facts
AULIS and Apollo – Apollo fakery is not a conspiracy theory but a policy authorised by the United States
Buzz Aldrin's Comment regarding his journey to the Moon
Chinks in the Armour – Gagarin was NOT the first cosmonaut
Chinese Live TV Discrepancies – Faked TV coverage?
Command Module too Light? – Why was the Apollo CM much lighter than stated?
Debunking the Apollo Myth – A Moon Base should be built before humans can walk and work on the Moon
Detailed Analysis of the Apollo 13 Accident – Analysis of the events of the Apollo 13 'accident'
Detailed Analysis of an Image from Apollo 15 – One photo to reveal them all
Did faking the Apollo missions really start as a joke? – Response to an article by Darryn King – NEW
Did We Land on the Moon? – Follow up to the TV documentary
Did this Saturn V Rocket Get to the Moon? – An investigation led by a Russian Scientist
Did this Saturn V Rocket Get to the Moon? 2 – Update: Challenge and Rebuttal
Dust-to-Dust – Dietrich von Schmausen concludes that no humans have ever ventured beyond LEO
Earth Photos from the Moon: Anomalies – Inconsistencies in photos of the Earth taken from the Moon, Part One
Earth Photos from the Moon – Afterword to Part One
Earth Photos from the Moon 3 – Inconsistencies in photographs of the Earth taken from the Moon Part Three
Edgar Mitchell at Autographica UK, 2012 – Contradictory statements by Apollo astronauts on stars in space
Evaluation of Saturn V F-1 Design Flaws – Did the Saturn V engines correspond to NASA's stated data?
Examples of Apollo Photo Anomalies and Inconsistencies – deliberate mistakes
Exposing Apollo Fakery – Serious problems in the valley of Taurus-Littrow, Parts One & Two
Faked Apollo Atmosphere Re-entry from Space? – Were the Apollo Command Modules ejected from a Douglas C-133 Cargomaster?
From Apollo to the Future – NASA's greatest challenges at the start of the 21st Century
Further Findings – More anomalies in the Apollo record
Gas Has Mass – NASA test generates much dust
Getting a Grip on Apollo 11 – Amazingly, aluminum handles were fitted to the Command Module
Hadley: A Study in Fakery – Professor Colin Rourke concludes that Apollo 15 images were faked
How High the Moon? – Or the greatest deception of them all
How LBJ Mooned America – An investigation into Apollo by Laurent Guyénot, PhD
Illusory Apollo: the Ultimate Mega Show – Why the Apollo Space Project was an illusion
Into the Lion's Den – An Apollo Presentation to the British Interplanetary Society – Parts One & Two
Is There Any Hope for a Moon Base? – It's as if nothing has been learned from Apollo
Jarrah White's Column, Article Nos. 1–7
Jack White's Apollo Photo Studies – An extensive study of Apollo imagery by Jack White BA
Jerry Wiant and the Big One – Problems with laser ranging?
Kubrick, Stanley, and Apollo: Part One – Apollo links to the films of Stanley Kubrick? "Groundbreaking, innovative and revealing" – Marcus Allen
Kubrick, Stanley, and Apollo: Part Two – How and where the Apollo Moon Landings were likely conceived
Kubrick, Stanley, and Apollo: Part Three – How did Stanley Kubrick achieve his aim? How was it done? What did he encode in his films regarding Apollo?
Kubrick Appendixes – Analysis of the Dark Side of the Moon
Letter to Dr James R Hansen – Apollo was all about landing
LM Double Shadow Question – Double Shadow or reflected image?
Lunar Module Descent and Landing: Intentional Errors Introduced into the Record? – In-depth investigation questioning the account of the LM's descent to the Moon
Lunar Geology and Ionising Radiation: from a Revisionist Perspective – Overview of the hazards of the lunar surface including radiation, and the fabrication of lunar geology
Lost in Space – NASA at 50
Lunar Laser Ranging: A Review – An overview of the Lunar Laser Ranging experiments
Lunar Rover – Was it a radio-controlled model?
Massimo Mazzucco’s American Moon – a review by Emanuel Garcia, MD
Moondust book Review – Andrew Smith's book about Apollo
Moonshadows – Did we really go to the Moon? The real Space Progvram
Moon Hoax Now – A one-way journey to the greatest lie ever told
Moon Landings: Magnificent and Deviously Contrived Propaganda
More Apollo Fakery Unveiled – Investigating the Apollo photographic record
Most lunar rocks are 'soft', findings of the Lunokhod-1 mission – The Moon reveals its greatest secret
Mystery of the Apollo 17 Rover Fenders, the – A detailed investigation
MythBusters Exposed – Aldrin descending the ladder is re-analysed by professional cinematographers
Nuclear Blast for Mankind – The US Planned A Big Nuclear Blast
NVIDIA: Mission Failure – NVIDIA's failed attempt to answer Apollo critics
Odyssey of the Lost Apollo CM, the – Was this 1970 event the real Apollo 13 accident?
Open Letter to Professor Brian Cox – Seven questions and a request to Brian Cox
Orion, the Van Allen Belts & Space Radiation Challenges – Apollo radiation data was collected in LEO
Photographed on the Sea of Tranquility? – There is insufficient visible lunar surface to the distant horizon in Apollo 11 – Why?
Polaris Dawn Report: Polaris Dawn did not prove that astronauts can survive the radiation
on a flight to the Moon
Propagandapede, The – Jarrah White's Column, Article No.1
Re-Entry Matters: An Investigation into Apollo Command Module Returns – An in-depth probe into 'Apollo Questions Censored'
Re-entry is a Drag: Extract from 'NASA Squirming and A New Moon Order' – Chapter 6 of the book – manned atmospheric re-entry from beyond LEO
Rembering Xavier Pascal 1953-2022
Rise and Fall of the Lunar Module: a Problem? – Or More Intentional Errors in the Apollo Record?
Seeing Stars – Can stars be seen from space?
'Shadows' in the Lunar Sky? – An Apollo 17 photo was produced from two separate photographic elements
Skeleton in NASA's Spacesuit, the – What is the dirty secret?
Sky at Night, the – Patrick Moore and HJP "Douglas" Arnold, previously of Kodak UK, defending the Apollo record
Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part One – Apollo links to the films of Stanley Kubrick?
Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part Two – How and where the Apollo Moon Landings were likely conceived
Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part Three – How did Stanley Kubrick achieve his aim? How was it done? What did he encode in his films regarding Apollo?
Scientific Analysis of Apollo Lunar Surface Images – Detailed scientific investigation of the EVA photos
Scott Henderson's Apollo Studies – An initial set of 2018 photographic studies
Sick Man on the Moon, the – Fit to travel to the Moon? Part two
STD of Apollo 11 only in low-Earth Orbit – mission not Moon-bound after Trans Lunar Injection –
Stereoscopic Method of Verifying Apollo Lunar Surface Images – A study of Apollo studio images
Surveyor 3 Mystery, The: Crossing the line between editorial responsibility and viewer discernment – Part One
Smoke & Mirrors, Icebergs and Gas Giants: Crossing the line between editorial responsibility
and viewer discernment – Part Two
Towards a Moon Base: Anything learned from Apollo? – Why is it so hard for NASA to get to the Moon 50 years after Apollo?
Towards a Moon Base: Leaving Apollo's Legacy Behind – Has the Apollo legacy become irrelevant?
Trajectory of Apollo 11 through the Van Allen belts: There is currently no level of exposure considered safe
Tribute to Bill Kaysing – 1922-2005
Virgin Galactic: Mojave to Mars – Virgin Galactic and SpaceShipTwo
What Happened with Project Apollo? – Investigating the Apollo Space Project
Was the Apollo 11 Saturn V Seriously Underpowered? – Studies of the actual velocity achieved by the Saturn V
Was the Apollo Computer Flawed? – Apollo Guidance Computer documents UPDATE
Was the Command Module too Light? – Why was the Apollo Command Module much lighter than stated?
What is the Colour of the Moon? – A Professional Russian Cinematographer investigates
What Really Happened with Apollo? – Questioning the Apollo record
Where We Are Now – Developments in 2003
Why Flat Earthers are incorrect about the Apollo missions – The flatists paraphrase the research by critics of Apollo and completely distort their findings
Why is the Sun so Big? – Is this the Sun in the Apollo photographs?
Your neck bone connected to your thigh bone – Astronaut fit to travel to the Moon? – Part One
Questions Concerning Apollo & Radiation – Questions put to NASA
Reviews and Testimonials – Selection of Aulis Reviews
AULIS Online – Different Thinking