The Pathway to Mars

Measure for Measure

by Mary Bennett

Taking the geometry of Vitruvius Man as a key, Leonardo DaVinci used the traditional encodings of the circle and the square to relate to the Heavens and the Earth respectively.

Vitruvius Man

The human body has two centres of gravity, as a child it is placed at the navel. As an adult at the root of the body, the genitals. Esoterically these are considered as the solar plexus and the root chakra respectively. Therefore the circle is linked to the innocent child, the square to the witting adult.

When these shapes are found in our ancient monuments they represent the same principles, so that a dome in a building symbolises the heavens, the building supporting it is often a cube (as in the traditional mosque) and a circular dome on such a building would, geometrically, be the inscribed circle, since the sides of the cube must support it.

Unfolding the cube (as in the traditional church or cathedral) we see that the two-dimensional plan is that of six squares. Many see this floor plan as the form of an adult human and Christians would say that is memorialising Jesus Christ. But taking all this out of any religious context, we are looking at a two-dimensional plan which is then transformed into an interactive three-dimensional build. These simple geometric plans could be said to represent something of the energy contained within its boundary by the very act of constructing the edifice, as well as those energy fields associated with, the chosen physical location. As above, so below.

In the case of the linear two-dimensional representation that is Leonardo’s Vitruvius Man, this earthly representation stops at the top of the head, the fingertips and the soles of the feet. Now in the case of the ‘heavenly’ circle, while the feet and the hands share common ground as it were, there is space above the head.

Vitruvius Man

The Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Human beings who are sensitive the local energy fields, and who have selected places with ‘favourable atmospheres’, have constructed their gathering places accordingly. Which is why there is an abundance of square-based pyramids, and stone circles. It is not too fanciful to propose that the individuals who built them were intending to reconcile themselves with energies they felt, and that these human beings were operating as the intermediaries between the Earth and Heaven, the square-based pyramids pulling up energy from the Earth and the stone circles pulling down energy from above – output and input. In the distant past these buildings and locations were used to benefit their fellow humans. Naturally there were those who also sought to dominate others by adopting the initial forms for their own benefit, and so we get to the evolution of religions – and the consideration that these ancient sites were to be ‘managed’ by an elite – the common people allowed access according to strict rules and regulations.

This situation eventually led to disagreements and schisms of doctrine and that led to ever more religious establishments being built, but not all of them were constructed with respect to the ancient principles nor were they always correctly sited relative to the local earth energy. Happily, this lack of understanding has not affected truly ancient sites, they are functioning as well as they always have done. I would argue that one of the principal reasons that complex crop glyphs were first discovered in Southern England is precisely because of the locality of significant circular stone monuments, ancient mounds such as Silbury Hill and Glastonbury Tor, (itself topped by an ancient Church tower) were surrounded by a fertile medium – agricultural fields of crops, principally of wheat and barley, which offered large ‘canvases’. These fields also conveyed even more information, for the goddess of agriculture is Ceres, the name of the first and largest asteroid discovered between Mars and Jupiter. At 939 km in diameter (583 miles) its size has enabled it to retain a perfectly spheroid form. And in 2006 modern astronomers decided to reclassify the asteroid as a dwarf planet.

Ceres, Moon, Earth

Ceres, the Moon and Earth, illustrated to scale

Circles and cereals and goddesses. So that energy we are thinking of as ‘circular energy might well be, as the Chinese would say, yin rather than yang. And rather than thinking of those terms as female and male or light dark and light, think in terms of energy, or even magnetic fields. Certainly in the early days of crop glyphs the fields were very powerfully ‘charged’. So much so that they drained camera batteries (rather as the lower Van Allen belt swamped the first probes sent to explore the heavens above Earth in the 1950s). I postulate that when we humans go into any so-called ‘sacred’ site, we are capable of picking up the energy of the planet which has been amplified by the geometry imposed upon it at that particular site. Using ourselves as conduits, we can use these places for the benefit of everyone. Noticing the predominant geometry of a particular location and working with it, we can compensate for the damaged state of these ancient sites site by using our own mental powers, wittingly combining both the softer curiosity of our inner child with the stronger knowing of the adults we have become, we can in time truly contribute to forging a more peaceful Earth.

To be continued.

Mary Bennett

Aulis Online, January 2022

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